Archive for October, 2017

Truth:  There is an invisible world that is just as real as the visible world.  Now, empiricism, and scientific method – you know, that we wanna explain everything, and test everything, and measure everything.  What I want you to know: There is a world.  There’s a world that you can’t see.  It’s invisible.

Do you understand?  You are involved in a visible and invisible world that intersect, and there is a war going on, a cosmic conflict that has eternal implications.  The souls of men, and the souls of women, and the souls of little boys and little girls, of every nationality, of every color, of every persuasion, of every background, all over the planet – that is what is at stake.  And the enemy seeks to blind – and we’ll see how – and he seeks to dull.  And their souls, and their lives, and their futures, forever and ever and ever, are at stake.  That’s what spiritual warfare is all about.


Fact: GOD has objectively defeated Satan in his agenda.  HE has delivered us from sin’s penalty, and power, and ultimately will deliver us from sin’s very presence.  That’s a fact.

In the interim, we’re involved in guerrilla warfare with demonic forces.

Satan was, in fact, defeated at the cross.  The penalty, for all time, for all people, was paid at the cross.  Sin’s power was broken.  And yet, this host of fallen angels engages in this guerrilla warfare to deceive, discourage, divide, and destroy GOD’s people, and GOD’s program.


Fact: As believers, we have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light with all the rights and privileges and position that being a child of GOD entails.

Fact: The spiritual battle that we fight involves a responsibility on our part to put on the spiritual protection that GOD has provided for us.  We can and we will resist the enemy’s attempts to deceive, accuse, and cast out when we stand firm by what?  First, being honest with GOD about ourselves and others:  prerequisite to all spiritual battle.  Second, responding to the truth that GOD shows us about HIS Will for our lives:  righteous living.  And third, a clear understanding of the Gospel and taking opportunity to readily share it.

Fact: The vast or great majority of all spiritual warfare never need go beyond the regular practice of living out your position in Christ by faith.  What we’re talking about now is not necessarily the norm.  Our practice of Paul’s metaphor, the spiritual armor, protects us from Satan’s ongoing attempts to break our fellowship with Jesus and, as a result, greatly minimizes any impact of the enemy.

This is a picture of a mighty general calling the troops to assembly.  And he puts them in rows, and he says, “In front of each one of you, I want you to know, there’s an M16, and there’s a helmet and there’s a backpack, and there’s a special vial in here, if you’re under gas attack, and there’s a gas mask.  Now, listen up.  Take up your equipment, right now.”  There’s a sense of urgency here.  The tense of the verb has the idea of, “Right now, get up.  Get ready.  Take up.”  Notice, it’s something that you do.  GOD doesn’t do this for you.

The verb here is a point in time, a punctiliar time, where he says, “Take up the full armor of GOD.”  It’s the General, the Lord Jesus Christ, urgently saying to all of His children,  “Everything you need to defeat the enemy, I’m putting at your feet.  Now, I want you to take it up.”

And if it was a Marine, it would be a certain kind of rifle, and a flak jacket, and a helmet, and a backpack.  But Paul lives in a different day, so he’s going to use the picture of a Roman soldier.

Imagine, if you will – here’s the kingdom of darkness.  You’ve come out of the kingdom of darkness.  This stage is the Kingdom of light.  You’ve been adopted.  You’ve been sealed with the Spirit.  You’ve been given spiritual gifts.  You’re a part of a body.  You have a spiritual inheritance.  You have forgiveness.  You have peace.  You have the fruit of the Spirit.

All of this territory with the work of Christ, when you pray to receive Christ, it occurred.  You now possess it, as a child of GOD.  What he’s saying is, all of this is who you are – Ephesians 1, 2, and 3.  Walk in that way.  Now, stand firm.

Hold on to what you possess, because darts are gonna come, and lies are gonna come, and people are gonna come, and circumstances are gonna come to tell you, “You’re not worthy.  You don’t have peace.  GOD doesn’t love you.  Why should you forgive someone else?”  And it will encroach and encroach and encroach on your life, until how you live, and how you think, actually looks not much different than how you used to live, and how you used to think, and how you used to treat people, and where your priorities used to be.

See, this “standing firm” is not just like you’re standing, and something’s coming at you.  You are holding on to that area that you’ve already possessed.  Imagine an army that has taken a town, and now, what do they wanna do?  They wanna hold their position so the enemy can’t take back that territory.

“Stand firm,” he says.  Urgently.  Why?  To enable you for those difficult times, for the evil day.  By the way, a very interesting little picture there.  “The evil day” means “on a particular day, at a particular time.”

The battles aren’t all the same, are they?  I mean, there’s not, like, this invisible, coming at you, every day, in every way.  When he says “the evil day” here, he’s saying, there are specific opportunities and times when the enemy is going to come, and try and deceive you, or discourage you, or to turn you away from your General and Commander, the Lord Jesus.

You see, what he’s saying is, there are different times, in different people’s lives – there will be an evil day, and you must be able to oppose or resist him.  You need to come against him.  You need to be able to guard your territory, so that who you are in Christ doesn’t get negated in how you think, how you begin to talk, and how you begin to live.

After picking up your armor in preparation for a battle, we’re commanded to – and the sense of the grammar, here, is consciously, vigorously make a decisive act, or, at times, a succession of acts, to stand your ground firmly and fearlessly against the enemy’s assaults, as he seeks to deceive, accuse, and discourage.  And then, he says, here is how to do it: The way you do that is, you stand firm by putting on the full armor of GOD.

GOD said: “Tell them in a way their going to understand!

Imagine a suitcase, if you will. You’re not going on a long trip but the trip is going to be through some rough territory. The terrain is like nothing you’ve ever experienced, or seen for that matter.

In the days of The Bible, they thought differently and they acted accordingly. The same can be said for HERE AND NOW.

The General, Jesus Christ has called out to the troops. How do you answer? By standing at attention and taking our orders.

Paul had his pieces of armor, and he describes them as he would know how…but we’re going to go at it a little differently!

When The Bible describes our duties, it’s on a dual level. You see, because we live in a dual reality…we must think and react to it.

Ephesians 6 (KJV)

7 With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men:

Our duties are to Jesus Christ, not to man. People, I know exactly what this means! At one time, I lived to please people. We must change this. We don’t have to fear man, because man can only take our lives, not our souls. Sure, there’s a war going on around us…night and day! But, putting on this suit of armor will teach us how to stay centered on Jesus Christ…not the world.

When Paul tells us to be strong in the Lord, this is what he means. Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.

Except for the FACT that we must discern our Salvation and what it means to be a child of GOD…this is the most important thing we’re going to learn:


Ephesians 6 (KJV)

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Sounds mechanical, right or…? But it’s not! It’s spiritual. It’s important that we understand HOW and WHY it works.

It’s not some mystical, mechanical way you can go through like…steps one, two, three, and four…and then your armor is always on. It’s something you must DO!

GOD has given us ARMOR, and it’s our duty to pick it up, and put it on….and then practice it!

Let’s begin…remember this is a battle of the mind! Don’t let your guard down!

When GOD created us, it was with great thought. The words, “Mind over Matter”…is a perfect analogy.

The first thing GOD plants into our mind is “STAND”.

Put on the armor, so we can stand…against the wiles of the devil.

Right off the starting line, we have to SEE between this world and the invisible one.

We must stand. Take a stand. Plant your feet. Set forth your stance.

GOD tells us that we NEED this in order to fight. When a soldier is fighting against another opponent, he must keep his balance. Once you’re thrown off balance…you’re vulnerable. Balanced in mind and body.

We are to stand against Satan’s wiles? This is devious or cunning statagems employed in manipulating or persuading someone to do what he wants. The devil is smart. Don’t doubt this.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

So, we are at attention and we realize that this fight is going to be unlike anything we’ve ever encountered.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

It’s against power, the power of darkness. This sounds overwhelming but we are given the RIGHT WEAPONS to stand firm and not back down.


13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Again, we have the word “STAND”. Don’t you see? So many people don’t know how to fight a mental battle. It begins with a firm foundation of the mind. Standing against mankind, and the supernatural darkness.

It’s so easy to just say…I’m done! Satan won before the battle even begun. Do you see? That’s the frame of mind we are to discern.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

The evil day? Don’t you see, this is not a battle fought in the ancient times…this battle is HERE AND NOW. The evil days in which we live are like no other. So many challenges…to withstand.


14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

Again!! Don’t you see the importance of this word? To battle on our toes! To always be on guard. Firm and grounded.

The first thing mentioned is our loins. This is so important to understand. The Bible is so difficult to discern on our own…this is why we are to ASK and PRAY for discernment.

So…our loins? What is this? The TRUTH of our loins? This is metaphorical and spiritual.

It’s our mid-section. Why would GOD begin with this??

When I discuss The Bible I always tell people it’s about BLOOD!

The Bible began with blood. A battle of the angels fighting against one another for our sake! The next issue? Our blood. The Bible begins in the Garden of Eden and Satan attacks the mind of Eve. He convinces her that she can become a god. Then, he beguiles her? Here we go! People don’t want to believe this but this is about bloodlines.

Satan beguiles Eve by taking her virginity. He seduces her and impregnates her. Isn’t this an attack on BLOOD? Yes. Impurity is what the beginning of The Bible is about.

Genesis speaks of beget this, begat that. This is bloodlines. Then, it speaks of Nephilim. This is Genesis 6:4…the fallen angels manipulated our blood, our genetics. Some say this is impossible…angels don’t have sex. But, this is MAGICK! GOD works is miracles, and Satan works in magick. This is witchcraft….the worst kind. There’s no white magic and black magic…it’s all evil. But, there are levels…a hierarchy of power. And sex magick was part of the world then, and now.

Genetics is at play in this world. The elite are manipulating DNA…of everything GOD created. The fallen angels did it back then, and they teach mankind to do it now.

This is where the LOINS come in!

It’s our mid-section. Why would GOD begin with this??

Most people don’t realize how important this is.

Our DNA is at risk. Our blood. Our very essence of life. This is why we are undergoing a GENDER WAR on this earth. To change our DNA is to change our IMAGE of GOD within us.


The truth is our loins are our inheritance. It’s our SPIRITUAL BLOODLINE.

Do you see why this is a BATTLE like we’ve never fought before?

We have cults. Secret cults.

Discernment is key to understanding what this means!

The word magic is derived from the ancient word magos “one of the members of the learned and priestly class,” from O.Pers. magush, possibly from PIE *magh- “to be able, to have power.” [Quoted from Online Etymology Dictionary].

All of us possess some electrical and magnetic forces within, and, just like a magnet, we exert a force of attraction and repulsion… Between lovers that magnetic force is particularly powerful and its action has a far-reaching effect. – Samael Aun Weor, The Mystery of the Golden Blossom

Esoteric magick is witchcraft. Witchcraft is prevalent now, more than ever.

Sexual magic refers to ancient science that these secret cults have protected for thousands of years. Their purpose and goal is to harness forces beyond our control. Yes…BEYOND. You see, this is not something to play around with. GOD can protect us but when we play with fire, we will get burnt.

Legal rights are something we have but it’s not a natural right, it’s spiritual rights. When we play with the occult, we lost those rights…and then GOD cannot protect us against the darkness. We are essentually giving the darkness an opening into our lives. Once these portals are open, it’s VERY hard to close them.

Sexual magic began with a priesthood. They practiced in rites (kundalini =aka-possession)….this is conjuring powers. These people actually believe that they have control over demonic entities…but it’s a facade. The darkness make you think this so they can creep into your lives and take control. Once this happens…GOD’S hands are tied. We gave up all the rights GOD bestowed upon us.

Magic is magick. It’s all the same. It’s the mysterious science that allows a person limited control of subtle forces….then they become…not so subtle!

The word magic comes from the Aryan root magh (it also comes from the Persian magu, Sanskrit mahas, Latin magis, and German mebr, that means “more”), signifying in its own sense a way of understanding and a knowing ‘beyond that of ordinary evaluation.’


GOD created us to be sexual beings. This was for the purpose of marriage and union. This is a great power…it’s the power of creation. But, leave it to Satan to twist it. GOD created it for love and marriage but Satan twists it…

Many believe that sex magick began with the Knights of Templar, but it began long, long before that. But, we will let that go for now. So, we have a cult or Order of the Temple. Many thought they worshiped GOD but they didn’t. This cult was accused of carrying out evil sex acts and Sufism. This was reported to Pope Clement, and thus began the trail of evil that trends even to this very day.

Sufism is inward dimension of Islam, or the mysticism of Islam. This historically involves different turuq or “orders”-congregations formed around a grand master referred to as a mawla who traces a direct chain of teachers back to the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. These orders meet for spiritual sessions (majalis) in meeting places known as zawiyas, khanqahs, or tekke. They strive for ihsan (perfection of worship) as detailed in a hadith: “Ihsan is to worship Allah as if you see Him; if you can’t see Him, surely He sees you.”

Reminds me of the saying from Freemason, Friedrich Nietzsche:

“If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.”

Some may not see it that way but I do.

Freemasonry and Islam go hand-in-hand. You will see. The Muslim religion and Freemasonry are inseparable.

These “orders” and “masters” all stem back to the Ascended Masters…aka…fallen angels.

The fact that the Knights of Templar were accused of homosexual activity should be a eye-opener! Twisting sexual acts into witchcraft could only originate with Satan! What these men did in the dark is no better than what the Roman Catholic priests do! In fact, this is the origin of their filth. Catholicism is connected to Islam, and vise-versa.

Why would I go off into such a strange subject? You must understand these cults are here and have been for thousands of years. They are connected to sex because Satan taught them as much. Satan teaches the demons and demons teach mankind.

It’s all connected to sex and DNA. So, how does this all connect? GOD created love. GOD created marriage. It’s a holy union between man and woman.

To disconnect these things creates chaos. Satan is all about chaos. This is connected to bloodlines…but then again man lying with man can’t interfere with that? Can it? Sure! It stops the bloodlines which GOD created.

This is our loins…our DNA. Our sexual existence.

Do you see HOW DEEP this is? It’s a battle of the mind and body. No piece of armor can be excluded in our warfare. Satan and his demons will always attack the vulnerable areas.


14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;


The TRUTH? The Word of GOD.

The “Belt of Truth” is The Word of GOD.

The breastplate of righteousness typically rested on the soldier’s hips so the entire weight wasn’t carried on the shoulders. This provided flexibility of movement. This piece of armor protected the vital organs of the soldier during battle.

Backing up your faith with obedience to the commands of GOD. This is righteousness.


2 Corinthians 10 (KJV)

5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Every action begins with a thought, and our thoughts need to be brought into line with The Word of GOD and HIS commands.

Because of teachings such as Islam and Freemasonry, we are raising up generations of people who are increasingly vulnerable to Satan. In their world-view, there are no absolute right or wrong. Therefore, sexual immorality, homosexuality, pedophilia, beastiality…etc are not wrong to these people and this is what their teaching.

The only thing “wrong” is to declare the existence of absolute truth—and for that we will be persecuted. We live on a system that is based on the lies of Satan, and if you don’t read The Bible, or believe in GOD, then you will fall into temptations and lies.

Paul talks about doctrines of demons that will lead some away from the faith. The enemy of GOD is constantly assaulting the church by twisting and denying Scripture…the church is each and every believer!


The belt of truth represents living a life of honesty and integrity.

The breastplate of righteousness represents guarding our mind and body.



A Christian’s way lies through rough places, through briers and thorns, and therefore he needs this piece of armor.


Ephesians 6 (KJV)

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;


I’ve been attempting to reveal that The Bible is DEEP and the BATTLE is WIDE. This encompasses the natural and supernatural. This attempt also recognizes that the differences between then and now are not to be misunderstood but clearly this is another avenue or instrument for Satan to utilize.

Before we spoke of the bloodlines and DNA and how Satan is attacking this through the separation of marriage and sex. How he is using gender in these last days to cast a wedge between us and GOD.


Isaiah 32 (KJV)

13 Upon the land of my people shall come up thorns and briers; yea, upon all the houses of joy in the joyous city:

I began part two with this Scripture because it’s that important. It’s because I believe it’s a metaphor, and multi-leveled as it all of The Bible!

The Holy Spirit told me this is like the wheat and tares, more so on the tares! A tare will resemble a wheat while it’s young, and then it springs up!!! It comes out of nowhere…attacking the innocent.

We are so close to the harvest and we must learn to recognize the tares, lest ye be torn from asunder.

Some people describe it as thorns that are kindled with fire which denote falsities. There are several places in The Bible where thorns are mentioned, and it’s always a representation of lying….causing conflict. That’s what this is about! Separation!! Satan knows that division will cause failure…and even though he has a hierachy…there’s no real substance to his leadership because of pride.

Remember that!

Conflict causes strife. Strife causes separation. Separation causes failure.

Who/what is the opposite of these things? Who is the “Prince of Peace”?

Jesus Christ is our commander and chief!

He clearly tells us that only by accepting Him into our hearts are we to have pure peace. But, in the same respect…how are we to live with a battle raging all around us and remain peaceful?

All one need do is look on social media circles such as FACEBOOK and see that people are attacking one another. This is evident, and the atmosphere we see is not conductive of a child of GOD! I remain on the site only to serve as a guide foe people who may be lost. But, this also makes me a target.

An example of this would be this week I had a person add me as a “friend”. I accepted. The same night…at around 2-3am…he began verbally attacking me. I will not go into detail except to say that the person began saying that I needed to read my Bible. I assured them that I do. Then, they said…the GOD which I worship IS NOT the real god. Seriously? I firmly told them they cannot tell me who I worship and I am very secure in my relationship. They proceeded to tell me that The Bible would not save me! The Bible is The Word of GOD. The Truth. This person is obviously confused. I told them that. To no avail. They told me I needed him. I told him, I need no man…I only need GOD.

I blocked him.

Arguing back and forth is the problem with social media. It’s become a giant battlefield for Satan to use to his benefit.

I’ve never seen so many confessed-Christians attack one another!

A steam engine is said to be a very imperfect machine which wastes more power than it uses. This is true of a great many Christian people; they have the power, but there are so far away from that deep sense of tranquility with GOD. They waste much of the power they have.

You see, this is because Satan wants to get to our minds and emotions. This affects our obedience to GOD.

That’s why Satan is always working to implant wrong teachings, and lies into our minds through books, music, TV, and conversation.

Our minds affect our walk! How we live.

Satan stirs up people to criticize and condemn. The enemy is cunning and keen. Therefore, we must guard our hearts above all else.


Conflict causes strife. Strife causes separation. Separation causes failure.

In ancient wars, battles were won and lost largely on the weight of the masses…literally. They were hurled against each other, and the heavier men, with the firmer footing, were likely to be the victors.

Christ has set our feet on the rock, and so the first requisite is secured. If we, for our part, will keep near to that Gospel which brings peace into our hearts, the peace that it brings will make us able to stand and bear unmoved any force that may be hurled against us.

It is the sudden assaults that we were not looking for that work most disastrously against us. A man may be aware of some special weakness in his character, and have given himself carefully and patiently to try to fortify himself against it, and, lo! all at once a temptation springs up from the opposite side; the enemy was lying in hiding there, and whilst his face was turned to fight with one foe, a foe that he knew nothing about came storming behind him.

There is only one way to stand, and that is not merely by cultivating careful watchfulness against our own weaknesses, but by keeping fast hold of Jesus Christ manifested to us in His Gospel. Then the peace that comes from that communion will itself guard us.

If we will hold fast by our Gospel, and let its peace lie upon our minds, as the negative of a photograph lies upon the paper that it is to be printed upon, until the image of Jesus Christ Himself, is reproduced in us, then we may laugh at temptation. For there will be no temptation when the heart is full of Him, and there will be no sense of surrendering anything that we wish to keep when the superior sweetness of His grace fills our souls. It is empty vessels into which poison can be poured. If the vessel is full there will be no room for it.


Jesus Christ is our COMMANDER AND CHIEF. He is our Prince of Peace. Our Great Physician.


We must remain united in GOD, or divided…we will fall. Modern times call for modern solutions…protesting and calling each other names…using race and such is how Satan keeps us apart! Acting like he’s a general when all he is, is a dishonorably discharged soldier. Satan works hard in these modern times! You can witness it all around us.

Don’t give him the time of day!



6 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;


1 Corinthians 13 (KJV)

13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

The shield of faith is The Word of GOD. We can rest assured knowing it is a supernatural source from which we can learn to be like The Son of GOD, Jesus Christ.

When we read The Word of GOD, we learn how to think in the spirit…to walk in the spirit, to live in the spirit.

We are better able to resist the firey darts of the devil…the temptations of the world. Sin is what separates us from GOD but we can read The Word of GOD and learn to walk, talk and act in a manner that GOD expects.

True faith may best be defined as a whole committal. The soul/spirit is connected to GOD. When we are truly committed to HIM, then our spirit is in it 100%. Not 50, not 80! 100! How do you know this? Your whole purpose of being HERE…on this dirty ball of grass is GOD. You live for GOD. Your hope resides in HIM. You love HIM more deeply than your own existence.

The helmet of Salvation is our protection for the brain.

Watch your thoughts. They become words. Watch your words. They become deeds. Watch your deeds. They become habits. Watch your habits. They become character. Character is everything.

When the helmet is utilized, it will keep the mind from doubts, worldly opinions, and ideas. This is so we can wash away the filth, lies, and confusion from our minds and adopt GOD’s perspective. It traps the worldly influence, desires and insulates our mind so we can remain centered on GOD.

We learn to guard and protect our heart and mind and act with honor, integrity and faith. It places importance and priorities where they should be. We learn to love our enemy, even as our brother.

It helps us maintain an eternal outlook…an immortal vision with GOD as our Father in heaven.


This last one is my personal addition!



Prayer must fasten all the other parts of our Christian armor to it. It’s a force field! Imagine firey missiles coming at you and when they hit it…they FALL! They disintegrate!

Prayer-A force field and a barrier of energy designed to protect GOD’s children. In science, it’s a fictional vector field that protects an area or object from intrusion.


Faith comes from confidence and assurance. You can’t see it. It’s invisible, but you sure can feel it.

Hope isn’t a wish, or dream…but the confidence that we shall prosper in our Salvation.

Love within a marriage is everything. You can’t see it. It’s invisible, but you sure can feel it.


All three of these are likened to the Mustard Seed! Jesus Christ always spoke in parables while in public, then when He was alone with the disciples, He explained everything.

You see, the mustard seed…when planted…it grows. It becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade.

When faith, hope and love is planted…and harvested…it becomes confidence, diligence and encouragement.


Lastly, I want to touch on a couple things about spiritual warfare. It’s all about the ARMOR OF GOD! And also our reaction to it!

Sadly, we live in a world where people don’t go to their knees unless they’ve been attacked. This can be taken in two ways…they were knocked down; or they were praying. This applies to both.

People don’t turn to GOD unless they’ve either hit rock bottom…as it were, or they feel they’ve been pushed in a corner…either way…the enemy has the upper hand. Wouldn’t you say?

It shouldn’t be this way.

I admit, I’ve always had a connection to GOD. I’ve always prayed and said thank you for things I know what HIS handy work!! But, in the past I’ve also been guilty of being slack. Not being on the alert. GOD warns us attacks can happen anytime, and so many directions we must stay on alert to be aware of what’s really going on.

Instead of waiting until we’re attacked…let’s stay vigil. Expect that “below the belt” hit because if we know anything about Satan, that’s how he works. Hitting below the belt is his main attack.

You see, there are times in everyone’s life that, for multiple reasons…demonic oppression and influence get a foothold.


We live in a time much like when Simon the Magician called himself great. We have many men and women who walk this earth thinking and calling themselves great. Many of these people use magic(k) to do these tasks. They trick the eye, trick the mind and therefore trick the heart. This is called…pulling the wool over people’s eyes.

People with loads of money think they can by anything but I’m here to tell you that Simon couldn’t buy the power of GOD and neither can these sorcerers today but they trade their souls! Trading the soul to Satan is common now-a-days!

In those days of Simon, people thought nothing of taking all things occult into the center of town and burning them! How weird…how freaky! Can you imagine this now? They didn’t think twice to do such things…but if we called for a town hall meeting, so many people would PROTEST that it would be ridiculous. We are the minority now, not the majority. We are hated. We are persecuted. It’s the Luciferians who are able to do such events now…and get away with it. This is what the world has come to.

The bond of iniquity is a pledge with Satan. And you don’t have to search long or hard to find people who have them. Look on television. Look at the music industry. Look at Hollywood. Look at sports.


You see the modern Armor of GOD is the same, but it must be utilized to be effective.

Don’t let Satan get a hold on your life. Use it. Become accustom to having it on. Keep it at hand because believe me….you will need it!


With Jesus Christ…United we will stand against Satan.