Archive for September, 2017

Well, everyone didn’t die! The “rapture” didn’t take place. September “23” is just another day! I want to emphasize the FACT that there are people who are leading others astray. Trying hard for you to keep your eyes off the prize!

Are you ready to have your socks knocked off?


He who has ears, let him hear…

I’m going to break down the parables. This gives us a better understanding of GOD’S Word as it relates to prophecy.

3 And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow;

4 And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up:

5861 `ayit ah’-yit from 5860; a hawk or other bird of prey:–bird, fowl, ravenous (bird).

5 Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth:

Deepness in this respect speaks of level of foundations. Foundation of believer’s wisdom…

(b) metaphorically, in Rom 11:33, of God’s wisdom and knowledge; in 1Cr 2:10, of God’s counsels; in Eph 3:18, of the dimensions of the sphere of the activities of God’s counsels, and of the love of Christ which occupies that sphere; in 2Cr 8:2, of “deep” poverty; some mss. have it in Rev 2:24.

Parables were a common form of teaching in the Ancient Jewish community. They were not unique to Jesus. Parables as literary forms exhibit consistent characteristics: Repetition. Contrast and short comparisons. Metaphors and simple images. Rule of three. Enigmatic sayings.

6 And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away.

Again, this speaks of wisdom and maturity as it relates to your foundation in GOD.

7 And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them:

Luke 8:33, tells us that the devils went out of the man, entered into the swine, the herd ran violently and were choked.

Is this speaking of the spiritual connection? Such as what we have with GOD? But, in polar opposites…it would be a evil “spirit”.

8 But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.

KJV translates Strong’s H6529

Depending on your maturity in your walk with GOD, it seems the fruit we produce brings forth reward, but this is meant in the spiritual realm.

I say this because “fruit” in the Garden of Eden meant spiritual enlightenment, and immortality. Of course, our spirit is immortal but how the choices we make with the FREE WILL that GOD gives us determines our future.

9 Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.

Do you “see” in the spiritual sense? Are you able to hear what GOD is telling you? Or do you listen to the devil? Because if you do then you will not discern the meaning GOD has in HIS Word.

10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?

11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

The “mysteries” are spoken of throughout The Bible. This all relates to the light and dark. The good and evil.

12 For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.

When you farm the land, one must scan the area. How do the farmers tell the difference between the two?

Inexperience will be an issue because one might pull the good up with the bad. The levels of spiritual maturity is important as it relates to parables. Are you able to discern ?

Similar in first look but the assessor definitely knows how to judge.

Threshing (thrashing) was originally “…’to tramp or stamp heavily with the feet’…” and was later applied to the act of separating out grain by the feet of people or oxen and still later with the use of a flail. (A flail is a threshing tool consisting of a wooden staff with a short heavy stick swinging from it.)

A threshing floor is of two main types: 1) a specially flattened outdoor surface, usually circular and paved, or 2) inside a building with a smooth floor of earth, stone or wood where a farmer would thresh the grain harvest and then winnow it.
After this threshing process, the broken stalks and grain were collected and then thrown up into the air with a wooden fork-like tool called a winnowing fan. The chaff would be blown away by the wind; the short torn straw would fall some distance away; while the heavier grain would fall at the winnower’s feet. The grain could then be further cleansed by sieving.
Threshing, the loosening of grain or seeds from the husks and straw, is the step in the chaff-removal process that comes before winnowing.
Wind winnowing is an agricultural method developed by ancient cultures for separating grain from chaff.

Common practice was to ‘count the tares’  before harvest as to have a good end product.

Upon pulling out the tare..if you accidentally pulled up the wheat it was very stubborn.

Also if the tares is plentiful around the wheat, the wheat would be stunted in growth.

Strangely, when it is harvest, the tare would look horrible.

This is parallel to the Sheep and Goats.

Matthew 25 (KJV)

31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

I guess it’s some people’s nature to sort the bad from the good. I’ve been called a goody-two-shoes when I was younger! So, I fit into that category, right? I didn’t understand why everyone didn’t think this way…and sometimes, it still escapes me! I totally understand that there will be people who will never see the “light”…sadly. I guess I’ve known since I was in the womb…yes, the womb…that I was chosen. You wouldn’t understand, even if I tried to explain it. I’m sure that one will draw a crowd! LOL

Call me nuts. I don’t care.

Saving the good from the bad;

Saints from the sinners;

Church from the world;

Saved from the damned.

But, you see…even though we feel the urge…it’s not our place! It’s not out job.

We are to let the weeds grow with the grass.

Ministers who are wolves in sheep clothing will produce a stunted congregation.

A fake ministry loves to give sermons with no substance, but instead await the money/offering.

The harvest is near. A harvest of dual processes and procedures. But, we’re not meant to keep count. We are to work tirelessly to serve our King.

We’ve seen a evil world turn wicked. If that’s possible…they’ve come out of the dark and proudly fly their “Satanic flags”.

They will try to convince you they are not a religion, or that they don’t worship any god. All the while producing rotten fruit (doctrines/idols).

Of course, they are those who disagree with this statement, but I firmly believe there are evil bloodlines upon this earth with part human and part fallen ones. Parable of the sower tells us this.

I don’t repost articles because I don’t know the exact origin and I would never want to mislead someone. It’s my intention to help others, not hurt them.

When I read this, The Holy Spirit said, you must post this!

I want to share with you from a testimony of someone who was saved, someone who had been serving the devil.  And when that man gave his testimony, it so challenged me, I did not want to believe it.  I had to go ten days before the Lord in fasting, asking Him, “Lord, is this true?” And it was at that time the Lord began to teach me what happens in the spiritual realm when we pray.

This man was born after his parents dedicated themselves to Lucifer.  When he was still in the womb, they made so many rituals dedicating him to serve Lucifer.  When he was four years old, he began to exercise his spiritual power.  And his parents began fearing him.  When he was six years, his father surrendered him to the witches to go and be trained.  And by ten years, he was doing great things in the kingdom of the devil.  He was feared by the normal witches.

He was still a young boy, but he was so terrible in the things he did.  He grew up to be a young man in his twenties with so much bloodshed on his hands.  Killed at will.  He had the ability to go out of his body through transcendental meditation.  And he could levitate.  Sometimes his body would lift off the ground and stay in the air.  And sometimes he could go into a trance, and come out of his body; his body would remain behind, and he would go out into the world, this is called astro-travelling.  And this guy was used by Satan to destroy so many churches, to break down so many churches and to destroy so many pastors.

One day, he was assigned to destroy a church that was so full of prayer.  There were so many divisions in this church, and many confusions.  And he began to work on this church.  But at that time, the pastor called a fast for the whole church.  As the church began to fast, there was a lot of repentance and a lot of reconciliation.  And the people came together, and they began to pray for the work of the Lord in their midst.  And they continued interceding and crying to God to have mercy and intervene in their lives.  And as they days went by, this man was coming again and again with demon spirits against this church.  But there was a word of prophecy that came telling the Christians to rise up and to wage warfare against the powers of darkness that were attacking the church.

So one day, this man leaves his body in his room and goes astro-travelling.  He leads a mighty force of demonic spirits against this church.  Now this is his testimony.  His spirit was moving in the air over the church and trying to attack it, but there was a covering of light over the church.  And suddenly, there was an army of angels that attacked them and there was fighting in the air, and all the demons fled, but he was arrested by these angels.

Yes, arrested by the angels! He saw himself being held by about six angels, and they brought him through the roof right before the church altar.  There he was, and the people were praying.  They were deep in prayer in spiritual warfare, binding and breaking and casting out.  The pastor was on the platform leading the prayers and the warfare.  The Spirit of the Lord spoke to the pastor, “The yoke has been broken, and the victim is there before you.  Help him through deliverance.” As the pastor opened his eyes, he saw this young man collapsed there.  His body was with him, he was in his body.  The young man says he doesn’t know how his body joined him; he had left it in his house.  But there he was in his body, he didn’t know how he had entered in except the angel had carried him through the roof.

Now these things are difficult to believe, but the pastor silenced the church and told the church what the Lord had told him and asked the young man, “Who are you?” The young man was trembling as the demons began coming out of him.  So they prayed for deliverance, and afterwards he began to share his life.  This young man has now come to the Lord and is an evangelist, preaching the Gospel.  He is being used by the Lord mightily in setting other people free by deliverance.

One night, I (John Mulinde) went to a dinner.  The sole reason I went is that someone told me about this young man, and I was so curious to see him, and see if his story was true.  So I sat at that dinner and in the evening, this man was given the chance to give his testimony.  He talked about so many things.  Sometimes he cried because of the things he did.  As he finished, he made an appeal.

There were many pastors in that room.  And he said, “I appeal to you, pastors.  Please teach the people how to pray.” The people who don’t pray, can be taken in anything, in anything by the devil, and there are ways that the enemy exploits their lives and their prayers.  The enemy knows even how to exploit their prayers of those people who don’t know how to pray.  “Teach the people how to use the spiritual armor that God provides.

Then he shared how he lead expositions into the air.  He would go with other satanic agents and lots of demon spirits into the air.  It was like a shift, you’ve got to go and work your shift.  So regularly he had a time he had to go and wage war in the heavenlies.  And he said that in the heavenlies, in the spiritual realm, if the land is covered under the blanket of darkness, that blanket is so thick, it is like a rock.  And it covers the whole area.  And these spirits are able to go on top of this as well as below this blanket.  And from that level, they influence the events on earth.

When the evil spirits and human satanic agents leave their shifts, they go down on earth at the points of covenant, even waters or on the land at the points of covenant for refreshing of their spirit.  And how do they refresh their spirit? By the sacrifices that people give at these altars.  They could be sacrifices in open witchcraft, sacrifices in bloodshed of all types including abortion, including warfare and human sacrifices and animal sacrifices.  They could be sacrifices of sexual immorality where people go into sexual perversions and all kinds of promiscuity.  And that act services the strength of these powers.  And many are the different types of sacrifices.

He said that when satanic agents are up in the heavenly realm, and the Christians begin to pray on earth, the prayers of the Christians appear to them in three forms.  All prayers appear like smoke that is rising up into the heavens.

Some prayers appear like smoke, and it goes drifting along and disappear in the air.  These prayers come from people who have sin in their lives and they are not willing to deal with it.  Their prayers are so weak, they are blown away and disappear in the air.

The other type of prayer is also like smoke that rises up until it reaches this rock, but it does not break through the rock.  These are usually people who try to purify themselves, but they lack the faith in what they are doing as they pray.  They usually ignore the other important aspects that are needed when someone prays.

The third type of prayer is like smoke that is filled with fire.  As it rises up, it is so hot that when it reaches the rock, the rock begins to melt like wax.  It pierces the rock and goes through.

Many times, as people begin to pray, their prayers look like the first type, but as they continue praying, their prayers change and become like the second prayer.  And as they continue praying, suddenly it ignites into fire.  And their prayers become so powerful, they pierce through the rock.

Many times evil agents would notice that prayers were changing and coming very close to the state of fire, then these agents would communicate to other spirits on earth and they tell them, “Distract that person from prayer.  Stop them praying.  Pull them out.

Many times Christians yield to these distractions.  They are pressing through, they are repenting, they are allowing the Word to check their spirit up, Faith has been building up.  Their prayers are becoming more focused.  Then the devil sees their prayers are gaining strength and the distractions begin.  Telephones ring.  Sometimes we, in the middle of very, very intense prayer, the telephone rings and you think you can go to answer the phone and then come back and continue praying.  When you come back, you go back to the beginning.  And that’s what the devil wants.

Other kinds of distractions come your way, even if it means touching your body and bringing some pain somewhere.  Even if it means making you hungry and you want to go to the kitchen and fix something to eat.  As long as they can get you out of that place, they have defeated you.  And he will say to the pastors, “Teach people.  Set aside some time.  Not for just some casual kind of praying.  They can do that the rest of the day.  Once in a day, they should have a time when they are focusing wholeheartedly on God, nothing distracting them.

And if people persist in this kind of prayer and allow themselves to be inspired in the spirit and keep going and keep going, something happens in the spirit.  The fire touches that rock, and it melts.  And this man said, when the melting begins, it is so hot, no demon spirit can stand it.  No human spirit can stand it.  They all flee.  They all run away.

There comes an opening in the spiritual realm.  And as soon as this comes, all this trouble in prayer stops.  The person who is praying on the ground just feels like prayer is suddenly so smooth, so enjoyable, so powerful and intense.  And I’ve discovered at that moment, we normally lose conscience of time and other things.  Not that we become disorderly.  God takes care of our time.  But it is like you lay down everything, and you hook up with God.  And this man said that when the prayers go through, from that moment there can be no resistance at all, and the person praying will continue as long as he wants.  There is no resistance that can stop him.

And then he said, after he finishes praying, the hole remains open, and he said that people, when they rise out of their place of prayer, and they walk out, this open hole moves along with them.  They are no longer operating under the blanket.  They are operating under open heavens.  And he said in that state, the devil cannot do what he wants against them.  And the presence of the Lord is like a pillar from heaven resting on their lives.  They are protected, and there is so much power inside that pillar that as they move around, that presence touches other people.  It discerns what the enemy has done in other people.  And as they talk to people and those people are standing with them, they come inside this pillar.  And as long as they stay inside that pillar, all the bondages of the enemy weaken.

So when these people who have this spiritual break-through share Jesus Christ with the sinners, their resistance is low.  It is so easy to bring them through.  When they pray for the sick or pray about things, the presence which is there makes all the difference.  And this man said the devil hates such people.  And it said if there are places where prayer is regularly being prayed through like that, the presence comes upon that place and does not leave.  So even the people who don’t know God, when they come into this place suddenly all the bondages are weakened.

And if someone cared to just minister to them patiently and with love, they can easily be pulled through, not by power nor by might but by the Spirit of God, who is present.  And he said, if no one bothers about these people, they come into his presence, they feel convicted, they begin to debate whether to yield or not, but if they are not pulled through, when they walk away from this place, bondages get stronger.  And the devil tries his best not to allow them to come back into such an environment.

You can imagine we were all seated looking at this man.  He was telling us the things he used to do and what he used to see.  Then he told us what they would do to people who have broken through in prayer.  He said they marked such people; they studied such people.  They dug up everything they could find about such people.  So they knew their weaknesses, and when someone overcomes them in prayer and breaks through, they communicate with other spirits and say, “Target him with this and with this and with this.  These are his weaknesses.” So when this person walks out of the prayer closet, the spirit of prayer is upon him, the presence is upon him, his spirits are high, the joy of the Lord is his strength.  As he moves the enemy tries to bring those things that can distract him from focusing on the Lord.

If his weakness is in the area of temper, then the enemy is going to cause people to do things which can make him really angry.  And if he is not sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and he allows himself to go into the temper, he takes his eyes off the Lord.  He gets angry, he feels so furious, and after a few minutes later, he wants to put that behind him and move along in the joy of the Lord, but he doesn’t feel it anymore.  He tries to feel good again; he doesn’t feel any good again.  Why? As he yielded to the temptation, they worked hard to close the door upstairs.  And once they restore the rock, the presence is cut off.  The person does not cease being a child of God.  But that extra anointing that goes on his life, that presence that could do things without his manipulating anything, it’s just cut off.  They seek out where the weaknesses are.

If it is in the temptation to sexuality, the enemy will prepare people, events, something that will suddenly draw out that passion to go towards that temptation.  And if that man yields to this temptation and opens up his mind to receive these thoughts, entertains them, when he is through with everything and wants to move again in the anointing, he just discovers it is no longer there.  Maybe you say, “That’s not fair.” Just remember what the Bible says, “Put on the helmet of salvation.  Put on the breastplate of righteousness.” We normally do not see the position, the place of these weapons of warfare.  But remember what Jesus told us to pray towards the end of the Lord’s prayer, “Take us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”

Every time you have a breakthrough in prayer, as you come to the end, remember you are still a weak human being.  Remember you have not yet been perfected.  Ask the Lord, say “Lord, I’ve enjoyed this time of prayer, but when I walk out into this world, lead me not into temptation.  Don’t allow me to walk into the devil’s trap.  I know the enemy is setting a trap out there.  I don’t know what form it is going to take.  And I know I am still weak in certain areas.  If I am just put in the right place, I will yield to that.  Protect me, Lord.  When you see me turning that corner where the trap is, just cause me to turn to the other side.  Intervene, O Lord.  Don’t allow me to move by just my own strength and ability.  Deliver me from the evil one.”

God is able to do that.  He is able.  That is why sometimes things happen, all you need to say is, “Thank you, Jesus.” That’s why Apostle Paul wrote in the book of Thessalonians and said, “Thank God in everything for that is the will of God in Christ for you.” Some things are not good.  They are painful, and we wonder why God would allow it.  But if only we knew what He is saving us from, we would thank Him.  When we learn to trust the Lord, we just thank Him in everything.

Beloved, I don’t know whether to go deeper because I do not want to start something I cannot finish.  Let me just try to take one step forward.  And this man said that when prayer breaks through like that, the answer will always come.  He said he does not know a case where prayer broke through and the answer did not come.  He said the answer always came, but in most cases, it would never get to the person who asked.  Why? Battle in the heavenlies.  He says as long as they succeed in cutting off the open heavens and the rock is restored, they watch this person, they are waiting because they know the answer is definitely coming.

And then this man spoke something that really shook my faith.  It is because of the next part he shared that I went into fasting ten days to say, Lord, is this true? Can you prove it to me? This man said that every Christian has got an angel serving that Christian.  Now we know the Bible says angels are ministering spirits to us.  He said that when people pray, the answer comes in the hands of the angel.  The angel brings the answer like we can read it in the book of Daniel.  Then he said something really tough; if the one who prays knows the spiritual armors and is clothed with them, the answer comes by an angel who is also clothed in full armor.

If the one who prays doesn’t care about spiritual armory, their angels come without spiritual armor.  Christians who don’t care about what kind of thoughts come into their minds.  They don’t fight the battle of their minds.  Their angels come without the helmet.  Whatever spiritual weapon you ignore on earth, the angel doesn’t have it as he serves you.  In other words, our spiritual armor is not protecting our physical bodies; it’s protecting our spiritual exploits.

This man said, when the angel is coming, they would focus and look at him and notice the areas which are not covered, and those are the areas they would attack.  If he has no helmet, they would shoot at his head.  If he has no breastplate, they would shoot at his chest.  If he has no shoes, they would make a fire that he is walking in the fire.  Now I am just repeating what this man said.  Actually, we asked him, “Can angels feel fire?” And you know what he said to us? Remember this is a spiritual realm.  These are spirits dealing with spirits.  The battle is intensive, and when they overpower an angel of God, the first thing they target is the answer he is carrying, and they get that from him, that is what they give through the cults, the witchcraft, and people say, “I got this because of witchcraft.”

Remember what the Bible says in the book of James? All good things come from God.  So where does the devil get the things he gives to his people? Some people who cannot have children, they go to witch doctors and satanists, and they get pregnant! Who gave them that baby? Is Satan a creator? NO! He steals from those who don’t pray to the end.  Jesus said, “Pray without ceasing.” And then He said, “But when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith?” Will He find you still there waiting? Or will you have given up and the enemy would steal what you have prayed for?

Then this man said that they are not satisfied with just stealing the answer.  They are also interested in detaining the angel.  And they start fighting him.  And he said sometimes they succeed in holding and binding the angel.  And he says, when that happens, the Christian is a victim on earth.  They can do anything with that Christian because he is totally left without ministry in the Spirit.

I said to him, “Do you mean an angel can be held in captivity by demonic forces?” This man did not even know the scriptures by the time he was saying all this.  He did not know very many scriptures.  He was just sharing his experiences.  And he said, they wouldn’t hold the angel too long because as other Christians prayed elsewhere, reinforcement would come, and the angels would go free.  If the Christian responsible did not pray through, he remains a captive.  Then the enemy sends his own angel as an angel of light to this person, and that is where the deceptions come in.  False visions and false prophecies.  False leadership, I mean leading, guidance in the spirit, making wrong decisions of all types.  And many times this person is open to all kinds of attack and bondages.

And I asked the Lord.  I left that dinner so troubled, so troubled.  I said, “Lord, I don’t want even to try and believe this.” It removes all my confidence, my security.  When I went to seek the Lord, it was ten days, the Lord did two things.  He did not only confirm the things I had heard, he opened my mind to see a lot more that this man could not tell us of what happens in the spiritual realm.  And two, he led me to see what we are supposed to do as the things are happening so that we are not overcome but that we can overcome.  And we need to know three things and really come to terms with these three things.

One: how to operate with the weapons of our warfare.  The Bible calls them the armor of God.  It is not our armor; it is God’s armor.  When we use it, we allow God to fight on our behalf.  Two: understand the relationship of the ministering spirits-the angels-to our spiritual lives.  And to be sensitive to what is happening in our hearts as a leading to what needs to be happening in the spirit concerning us.  That brings us to the third thing: that is the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is not supposed to come as our servant, serving us and bringing things to us.  He does not run to and fro to the Father to tell Him what we need.  That is the work of angels.  But He stands by our side.  Doing what? Guiding us, teaching us, leading us, helping us to pray the right way.  And when these things are happening in the spiritual realm, He tells us, sometimes He wakes you up in the night and says, “Pray.” You say, “No! My time is not yet come.” And He says, “Pray now!” Why? He sees what is happening in the spirit.  Sometimes He says, “Tomorrow-fasting!” You say, “Oh, no, I’ll start on Monday!”

But He understands what is happening in the spiritual realm.  We should learn to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.  He guides us in the paths of righteousness.  Beloved we’ve got to stop here.  Maybe tomorrow morning, we can talk about how we can pray through, knowing the battles in the spirit and how we can break through.  How we can maintain our breakthrough once we have scored it.  And once we learn this, it becomes enjoyable.  Then we learn one thing: the battle is not ours; the battle is of the Lord! Hallelujah!

Let’s just stand up.  Look someone in the eye, and just think about how many times that person could have missed what God had for him.  But join your hands if you can, two or three people, and just tell each other, “There’s no need for more defeat! We can overcome! There is enough power to overcome! Jesus has already done the whole work.” Pray for each other that the Lord will help us to overcome.  We should not lose.  There is enough grace, enough power for victory.

Thank you, Jesus.

by John Mulinde

Okay. You must understand that there are many, many people who are asleep.

We must ring the bell of Salvation loudly to awaken them.

The Holy Spirit revealed to me long ago that we are in a war. This was is a spiritual one and it does not matter if you believe in GOD or not…in fact, Satan prefers if you don’t.

The first step there is no way (for us) to fight demonic spirits.  So, actually…

The first step is for you to admit that you need Jesus Christ, to believe that when He died on the cross, He paid for your sin, and for you to turn away, have a change of mind about your old life, and your old living – that’s all “repent” means – and ask Jesus Christ come into your life, and forgive you for your sins.  And the moment you do that, based on His work on the cross, and His resurrection, He will come in, you’ll be sealed with the Spirit, you’ll be taken from the kingdom of darkness, and be placed in the Kingdom of Light.

This is about those who wonder why GOD would allow HIS children to be attacked, and even possessed.

Yes, possessed.

There will be MANY people who try to convince you that as a believer, you cannot be possessed. This is plainly and simply…not true. Well, that’s misleading because nothing about this war is plain, and nothing about this war is simple.

How and why?

How can we as a believer be possessed? GOD loves three…obviously! We have The Trinity. GOD/JESUS CHRIST/THE HOLY SPIRIT. So, too are we made in this image, for we were made in the image of GOD. So, we have the natural and the supernatural. We are made in two parts. As a matter of fact…recently an article was published about this.

Bright Flash of Light Marks Incredible Moment Life Begins When Sperm Meets Egg


GOD is amazing. And HE proves it…all one need to is wake up to HIS Spirit…The Holy Spirit. This is what that article speaks of! It’s the supernatural entering the natural!

So, we know we are made in two separate manners, coming together to make one. So, the attacking of the mind, body and soul is what demons do. That pretty much said it, right there! Did you catch it? The demon attacks the mind and body. These are both natural. So, we have two entry points, right there. The body and the mind…demons are attracted to people who are in distress, or abused. And this is an entry point for them…let’s say…it makes their job easier. But, the hardest part for them is to enter the soul. That’s the third part of our three point existence here in this dimension. Demons can harass a person for days, month, and even years before they break the person down enough to enter the soul/spirit. There’s a barrier…The Holy Spirit. So, people say well, that person cannot be possessed because the demon cannot possess the same space as The Holy Spirit…and that’s very true.

Demons can attack the flesh and the mind…all day long. We feed the demons energy but our emotions, and actions.

Compulsion to abuse animals or people;

  1. Sexual perversion and immorality (homosexuality, molestation,etc.);
  2. A compulsion to abuse your body (drugs, alcohol, gluttony, abuse or misuse of other substances, etc.);
  3. Seeking spiritual knowledge through Eastern religions and other counterfeit religious groups (TM, Yoga, humanism, etc.);
  4. Involvement in occult practices (fortune-telling, Satanism, etc.);
  5. Mental distress or oppression (anxiety, fear, anger, disorientation, etc.);
  6. Psychological disorders (split and multiple personalities, paranoia, etc.);
  7. Physical disorders may be demon caused (Matthew 9:32-33);
  8. Lack of freedom or joy in the Lord (spiritual bondage);
  9. Inability or constant refusal to repent of sin, though you know you are sinning (rebellion).

So, possessing the soul/spirit is the worst of the worse. It takes work for a demon to accomplish this, but it also is part human effort, or lack there of.

Our acceptance of Jesus Christ in our lives brings forth The Holy Spirit into our soul/spirit. So, for a demon to take possession of that space in our body…the person must have a LACK of faith. This happens because the person has no personal relationship with Jesus Christ, or they have lost their faith…somehow.

If GOD would allow HIS Only Son, Jesus Christ to be tempted by Satan…then what makes us think it won’t happen to us. Notice, I said tempted. Jesus Christ could NEVER be possessed. Jesus Christ was tempted for 40 days and 40 nights. Again, we have the number 3! During this period of time, Satan was allowed to tempt Jesus Christ with three specific temptations.

For most Christians, this first level will be the one they will probably have to face the most from time to time. This first level is when a demon or a group of demons start to attack you from an outside position with no real legal right to be doing so.

So, we’ve established that people can and will be tempted and harassed by demons, even without legal cause to do so.

Demons attacking a person as a result of a legal right enables them to do so because of a sin we’ve committed. Sins have a wide range, do they not? They cover a huge set of grounds and there is NO WAY I could ever cover all of these, but as I did above…I will give a list of some of the reasons why this can happen:

Generational Curse


Ouija Board Activity


Sexual Perversions

This activity and others opens a portal or avenue into your mind, or body…and ultimately, you soul/spirit. This is what Job was speaking:

Job 1 (KJV)

10 Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.

As a result of sin in your life, the HEDGE OF PROTECTION around you, your home, and even your family, friends, and possessions, will disappear.

By engaging and crossing over into any direct sins and transgressions that’s expressly forbidden by GOD…you cause a hole to occur. Of course, not EVERY sin can cause this because we are told that we have all fallen short of the Glory of GOD. This is why Jesus Christ came down to die on the cross, to pay the penalty for all of our sins, and to be able to give us forgiveness for our sins. If a demon had a legal right to come after us every single time we sin…none of us would be safe, and a constant state of chaos would ensue.

So, we’ve established that in the actual battlefield, there are certain sins that enable them to engage in a full scale attack, even if we are a believer!

As Christians, we can have absolutely no part in any of the following areas:

1. The occult

2. False religions or cults

3. Any part of the New Age Movement

4. The homosexual lifestyle

5. Any type of Satan worshiping group

6. Any involvement with abortion or the abortion industry

7. Abusing alcohol

8. Doing any type of drugs – including pot

9. Any type of extreme verbal and/or physical abuse on your mate or children

10. Any type of promiscuous sexual lifestyle

11. Any type of criminal activity

12. Murder

13. Bringing a cursed object into your home

So, this is where the whole issue of why people are attacked. If you notice these are ACTIONS which we have committed….not GOD. These are actions we’ve committed against GOD.

If you have drawn demons onto you and your life as a result of engaging in one or more of the above door opening sins, then what you will have to do before you can cast the demons out of your life is that you will have to fully break all of their legal rights.

You will first have to realize that you have been sinning and transgressing against GOD by delving into any of the above areas. Once you have full realization and understanding that these are all unacceptable sins and behaviors before GOD, then you will have to go before GOD, fully confess out each one of the transgressions as actual sins, and then fully renounce each one of them – telling GOD that you will never, ever go back into any of them ever again.

Then once each of these sin areas have been fully confessed and fully renounced before Jesus Christ – then you can turn around, take the authority that GOD has given to you to trample over all the power of your enemy, and cast the demons off of you for good.

Lastly, we also have the fact that demons can attack you as a result of what someone else may have done to you.

Now, I know that sounds crazy…but hear me out.

Some examples of this would be women who have been raped, people who have been ritually abused in Satanic groups, people who have been victims of certain types of crimes and assault, wives who may have been severely physically abused by their husbands or boyfriends, and children who have been severely abused by one or both parents- either physically, verbally or sexually.

What happens in some of these types of extreme cases is that demons, once they see that person being physically violated to this kind of an extreme degree, realize that there might be a hole in that person’s hedge. Once they see that kind of an opening, they will then try and move in to see if they can attach themselves to that person.

What demons are looking for in these kinds of extreme cases is what that person’s response is going to be to the violation. If a woman has been raped, the demons will see if that person will start to exhibit and manifest emotions of hate,anger, bitterness and unforgiveness.

GOD will obviously allow the person to have some of these kinds of emotions right after all of this has occurred as a result of the initial knee jerk reaction most of us would have to this kind of severe trauma. I don’t believe the demons can get a foothold into that person right off. But if that person does not start to work himself or herself out of these kinds of negative emotions over a certain period of reasonable time, then the demons will have something they can attach themselves too, and that something are the negative emotions of hate, bitterness and extreme anger that will settle in that person’s mind, spirit and emotions over a certain period of time. And once the demons attach themselves to those kinds of negative emotions, then they will start to try and work it – trying to increase the frequency and intensity of those emotions.

If a person has drawn demonic activity into his or her life as a result of being the victim of some kind of extreme behavior from another person, then what that person will have to do before they can cast the demons out is to fully forgive the person who has viciously wronged them – no matter how vicious that wrong may have been.

The Bible tells us that whenever we get ready to stand to pray before GOD, that we have to be willing to fully forgive anyone else who has ever trespassed against us – and that will include any vicious criminal who may have raped, assaulted or robbed you, or any violent and psychotic boyfriend or husband who may have physically abused you.

The Bible tells us that if we don’t forgive others who may have trespassed against us, then GOD will not forgive us when we trespass against others. And then to top it off, GOD may not even be willing to hear any of our prayers with the way HE has this particular verse worded – and if HE won’t hear any of our prayers, then you may have little or no chance on getting delivered from any type of demonic attack that may come your way.

The first thing any good deliverance minister will do on these type of cases is to make sure that the person will be willing to fully forgive the person who has seriously wronged them. Until this person is willing to fully forgive his trespassers, the demons cannot be cast out.

The demons have been feeding off of those negative emotions for quite some type and as a result, a mental stronghold has developed in that person’s mind and thinking. To start GOD’S inner healing process, this person has to be willing to fully forgive the person or people who may have hurt them in these more extreme type of cases.

Once the person is willing to fully forgive all of his trespassers in the eyes of GOD, then you can turn around and verbally engage with the demons, telling them that they now have to leave you in the name of Jesus Christ, since all of their legal rights have now been taken away from them since you are now willing to fully forgive your trespasser.

Another very disturbing area in the realm of having to do battle with demonic spirits is the area where demons can sometimes jump from abusive and dysfunctional parents onto some of the children – trying to get some of the children to exhibit and manifest the same aberrant and dysfunctional behavior of their parents.

A perfect example of this would be a severe alcoholic parent. The children grow up seeing and watching their parent live a good portion of their married life in this state. As a result of that parent crossing over into this kind of heavier sin area with GOD, demons will be allowed to come in and attach themselves to the alcoholic parent. And once they attach themselves to the alcoholic parent, they will then look to see if they can targetanyone else in the family to attack.

They might try to get the alcoholic parent to try and abuse their spouse or their own children. They may try and get the alcoholic parent to try and take their own life or possibly kill their spouse or their children.

Again, the children are completely innocent. They themselves are not alcoholic. They have done nothing themselves to draw the demons onto their alcoholic parent. So why would GOD allow the demons to be able to jump onto some of the children to try and get them to do the same thing that they have been able to get the dysfunctional parent to do?

In some of these types of extreme cases, one or two of the children could end up becoming alcoholics themselves. What is happening behind the scenes in the spiritual realm is that the demons will try and get some of the children to move into this same kind of extreme activity, especially as they get older and move into their own marriages.

Demons cannot make you do anything. You always have free will to choose whether or not you will act out on their suggestions and promptings. All demons can do is try and persuade and influence you to cross over into these kinds of extreme realms.

Many children who end up crossing over into some of these same extreme areas are really operating under heavy demonic influence. This is a perfect example of GOD telling us in His Word that His people will go into captivity for having lack of knowledge. Many children are crossing over into the same extreme realms that their parents were walking in as a result of not having the appropriate knowledge to understand what is really going on behind the scenes in the spiritual realm.

Once again, GOD the Father gives us some keen insight from His Word as to why this kind of activity is being allowed to happen in some families. God tells us in His Word that the sins of the fathers can be visited down to 3 or 4 generations of future children.

Here is the verse where God is making this specific statement. This verse is from one of the actual 10 commandments, the second commandment.

Exodus 20 (KJV)

4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

Notice in this verse that GOD is using the word “visiting”- visiting the sins and iniquities of the father directly onto the children, traveling as far down as 3 or 4 generations of these future children.

What does GOD mean by the word “visiting?”

I believe what GOD may be trying to tell us is that there will be severe consequences for certain types of sins and iniquities committed by parents of children. The Bible tells us that the”wages”of sin will be death.

If the father of a family is an extreme alcoholic, then the family could end up living in a miserable, oppressive and terrible environment. As a result of this kind of severe transgression against GOD, the family could end up living in poverty.

As a result of living in poverty, the children may end up not getting the best education or the better opportunities to progress and grow into what GOD may have been calling them to become in HIM in the first place. As a result of this poor and oppressive environment, some of these children will never find GOD or what His purpose and divine plan would have been for their lives.

Some of them may end up becoming alcoholics themselves. And then they end up repeating everything that their father did in their earlier family life and they in turn then marry, and then do the same thing to their families as their father did to them.

And then they have children, their children see and watch their dysfunctional behavior, and then some of them end up repeating the same behavior as they grow older and move into their own marriages. You thus have the sin of one father being visited down several generations – all because no one knew how to break the curse line that had developed as result of the original sin from the first sinning alcoholic father.

All of this kind of negative activity could perfectly describe what GOD is trying to tell us in this verse. And then to possibly top it off, you have demons who will come in and feed off of this kind of extreme behavior through the alcoholic parent, making everyone else’s life in the family miserable as a result. You walk into these kind of houses, and you can literally feel yourself walking into a dark oppressive cloud.

What happens in this kind of scenario in reference to actual demonic activity is that demons will target some of the children to go after. They will try and attach themselves to the child at an early age and start to try and pull them into this darker way of living. in the first place. As a result of this poor and oppressive environment, some of these children will never find GOD or what His purpose and divine plan would have been for their lives.

If that child is a born-again Christian, they will try and sever the child’s personal relationship with GOD. They will attack their mind, their emotions and their sense of self-confidence and self-esteem. Many of these children grow up with low levels of self-esteem and self-confidence as a result of all the verbal abuse they have had to put up with from the dysfunctional parent or parents.

When the child gets old enough to leave the home, the demons will follow the child and will still try and stay attached to them. I have personally run across several woman who had demons following them into their adult life and literally attacking them on a periodic basis. They would then command the demons to leave them in the name of Jesus Christ, but that would only work for a short period of time, and then the demons would come back for additional attacks.

What is happening in the spiritual realm behind the scenes is that the demons apparently have developed enough of a legal right to stay attached to that child as a result of the sins and transgressions of the original sinning parent. What the demons have now formed out as a result of the original parent’s severe transgressions against GOD is a curse line between that parent and the child.

What this now means is that before you can cast the demons out and off of you for good – you will first have to fully break the curse line that the demons have been feeding and operating on over all of those years from living with the original sinning parent.

The Battle Command

For those of you who are either battling the possibility of demons harassing and tormenting you or if you should ever run across this problem anytime in your future – here is a good, simple battle command that you can use to cast the demons off from you. This type of battle command is for demons who are attacking you from the outside.

However, if you have demons living and operating on the inside of you, then you may have to seek out someone who knows how to do an actual inner deliverance, since the demons have some type of legal right in which to continue to remain on the inside of you. You will need help in handling this kind of deeper problem.

But for those of you who may be dealing with a demon or a group of demons who are just tying to test you out and trying to attack you from the outside without any real legal right to be doing so – this type of battle command should easily do the trick for you in getting them out and off of you.

Remember – you don’t have to become a punching bag for these demons and allow them to mentally harass and torment you. You can drive them off of you very easily and very quickly by taking up your Sword – which is the Word of GOD – and verbally speak out loud to them that they now have to leave you in the name of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

You will have to say this battle command out loud as demons cannot read your mind or your thoughts. I would also hold out your right hand when speaking out this battle command. The right hand of GOD is HIS hand of deliverance and power. As a born-again believer and representative of GOD, you have the legal right and authority to be able hold out your right hand while operating under His authority, power and anointing when engaging with the dark side.

Here is the battle command. Feel free to add any additional words that will fit the specific situation you may be dealing with. Also be sensitive to any specific words the Holy Spirit will want to give you when you start to engage with the demons. You may also want to consider writing this out on an index card so you can have it readily available should you ever have to face this kind of battle situation.

“If there are any demons that are attempting to attack, harass or torment me – I am now coming against each and everyone of you in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am now coming against each and everyone you operating under the full power, anointing and authority of GOD the Father and Jesus Christ.

In the name of Jesus, I now Plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against each and everyone of you. I repeat, I now Plead the Blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ against each and everyone of you.

In the name of Jesus Christ – I now command you to leave me right now, and you are to never, ever come back on me again. GO NOW – in the name of Jesus Christ! I repeat – GO NOW in the name of Jesus Christ!”

By making this kind of statement right at the very beginning with them – you are showing them that you are not attempting to come against them in your own power or in your own natural strength. You are letting them know right off that you are coming directly against them operating under GOD’S power and authority – not under your own power and authority.

If you can’t see, admit and realize that you have been sinning, and that you have been wrong by crossing over into some of these forbidden areas to begin with – then there will be no deliverance, and the demons will continue to have the appropriate legal rights to be able to stay attached to you and they will continue to tear you and your life to pieces.

For those of you who would like to try and handle this on your own as a self-deliverance – especially if you cannot find anyone locally to help you out – here are the 5 basic main steps that you will need to do in order to be able to get complete and total victory and deliverance from these demons.

I will first list each one of these steps, one right after the other, so you can see exactly what you will have to do. Here are the 5 steps.

  1. The full surrender

Submitting to GOD means you have entered into this full surrender with HIM. You have to be willing to fully surrender every part of your being to HIM – body, soul and spirit, along with your entire life over to HIM.

James 4 (KJV)

7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.


    2. Confess each one of your sins before GOD

The next step to be able to receive total deliverance from these demons is that you are going to have to be willing to admit that what you wereinvolved in were sins and transgressions against GOD in the first place – and then you will have to be willing to fully confess out each one of these transgressions as actual sins before GOD.


  1. Renounce each one of your sins before GOD

The next step, in addition to being willing to fully confess out each one of the transgressions as sins, is that you will now have to be willing to fully renounce each one of these sins before GOD. When you renounce each one of these sins before GOD – what you will now be telling GOD is that you will never, ever go back into any of these heavy sin areas ever again. Before you decide to go before GOD for your deliverance, you will first have to make sure that you really want to be set free from your sinful past, and that you will do everything you possibly can in your own natural power not to go back or fall back into any of these heavy sin areas ever again.

One word of caution in this area! Once you make up your mind to fully renounce any of these types of heavier sins before GOD – you will have to make sure that you never, ever fall back into these same areas again. What will happen if you do is that not only will you give these demons another legal right to be able to come back after you – but these demons that will be coming back after you will be demons that will be 7 times more wicked and evil than what the original demons were that had attached to you in the first place.


  1. Break the legal rights of the demons

Once you have fully confessed and fully renounced each of these heavier sin areas before GOD – then you have just taken away all of the legal rights that the demons had to stay attached to you. Now you are ready to break those legal rights.


     5. Verbally command the demons to leave now

Once you have fully confessed and fully renounced each of the sin areas you had been involved in, and then have fully broken the legal rights of the demons before GOD – then the last thing that will remain will be you turning around and verbally engaging with the demons – telling them that they no longer have any more legal rights to stay attached to you and that they will now have to leave you in the name of your Savior Jesus Christ.

You will have to verbally do this. Demons cannot read your mind or your thoughts – so you will have to verbally, out loud, command them to now leave you in the name of Jesus Christ. Again, I will show you how to word this part of the prayer in the battle prayer I will give you below.

Prayer to Break Legal Rights of the Demons

Father, In the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, I now approach Your throne in a time of great need, in time of an extreme emergency.

Father, as You already know, I have demons attacking me from the outside, and possibly from the inside of my being. I know why they are in my life. I have done some really bad and evil things in my life. I have horribly transgressed against both You and all of Your basic laws and commandments with the sins that I have personally committed against You.

Father, I first want to say to You that I am so sorry for doing all of these bad and evil things against You. There is no excuse for the kind of behavior that I have exhibited. But Father, I now want to take a strong stand. I do not want any more part of this kind of wicked and evil lifestyle. I know that You are My only hope and My only salvation to be able to deliver me from the demonic bondage I now find myself enslaved in as a result of crossing over into these kinds of heavier sins.

Father, I ask that You please have mercy on my soul, and that You please forgive me for all of the sins and atrocities that I have personally committed against You under the blood that Your one and only Son Jesus Christ has personally shed for me on the cross.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I now want to formally confess out all of the bad, evil and sinful things I have personally done against You.

Father, I now know, without any shadow of a doubt, that all of the above activities were heinous sins and abominations in your sight. I am so sorry for going this far against You.

Father, I know that Your Son Jesus Christ has died for all of my sins. Father, in the name of Jesus, I now ask that You please forgive me for every single one of the these sins and transgressions that I have personally committed against You. Let the Blood of Your Most Holy Son Jesus Christ completely wash away every ounce of stench, every ounce of each one of these sins that have been committed against You.

Father, you tell me in Your Word, that if I am willing to confess my sins and agree to repent, that You will forgive me of my sinsand cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Father, I now ask that You please forgive me for of all of my sins that I have personally committed against You through the blood that Your Son Jesus Christ has personally shed for me on the cross. I now believe that all of my sins have been completely forgiven and completely washed away by the Blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ – I now fully break and fully sever each one of these legal rights. Father, I repeat, in the name of Jesus Christ, I now command that every inch and every single part of this legal right line be completely broken, completely severed, and completely demolished in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I now plead the Blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ against each and every single part of this legal right line and command it to be completely broken right now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ:

I now plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over my entire spirit.

I now plead the Blood of Jesus over my entire soul.

I now plead the Blood of Jesus over my entire body.

I now plead the blood of Jesus over this entire house.

I would say this prayer out loud 3x-4x over the next couple of days.